
Last week the Environmental Protection Agency released their 2015 list of top ENERGY STAR® cities, with Washington D.C. placing first. The rankings are determined by the number of ENERGY STAR certified buildings in each city, Washington D.C. won with 480, followed by Los Angeles with 475. This marks the first time that Los Angeles has not ranked at the top of the list.

An article by Chris Potter, Senior Communications Associate at the Institute for Market Transformation, details the key drivers of Washington D.C.’s success. Potter credits the Sustainable DC plan and a number of organizations, including the VEIC-administered D.C. Sustainable Energy Utility (DCSEU) with creating “a blueprint for continuous progress” in the District.

The DCSEU has been helping residents and businesses throughout Washington D.C. reduce energy use, save money, and achieve comfort with energy efficiency projects since 2011. Last year the DCSEU served 47,000 households and achieved $105 million in lifetime energy cost savings.

Learn more about VEIC’s expertise in building efficiency

Attn: Mike Haberman
20 Winooski Falls Way
5th Floor
Winooski, VT 05404